DatePicker JS

Version: 4.6 Beta

Description - DatePicker JS

The DatePicker lets users easily select valid dates from a dropdown calendar. No need to worry about date formats, by picking dates it`s always correct. Features:Dates can be specified in many ways: Type into the date field. Pick one in the calendar. Use your mouse wheel or cursor up/down keys to change the Current date: In/over the year input field In/over the date field. If it does not have Focus, the day changes. If it has focus, it matters where the cursor currently stands. If it`s for example in the month part, it changes the month. Note: mouse wheel is an ie-only feature. Use API functions: yourPicker.setDateByChunks(year, month, day) yourPicker.setDateByIso(isoDate) yourPicker.setDateByObject(jsDateObject) Read the API-Doc. Validation of typed in dates - eg 2001/02/29 won`t be accepted. Knows leap years. Works with pre-1970 dates (no unix-style limitation). Only the weekdays are not known for those dates. Allowed input formats are: American mm/dd/yyyy (12/31/2003), European (31.12.2003) and ISO yyyy-mm-dd (2003-12-31). Display format can be one of american, european or iso (Default). Language support (currently en/de/fr, Create your own). Supports Skins. In addition: the style and colors can be highly customized by color names and/or css classes. Compatibility: Old and non-js browsers will still have the input field, but no picker. They can still type in dates. See example 3 and the convertField() method. Can be directly used as Bs_Form field. See the Bs_Form package. Define the allowed date range (see example 5). Lots of settings and API methods.

DatePicker JS Input Field Mouse Wheel

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